Website Terms of Use

The Holme Valley Masonic Lodge website has been created to promote the activities of Freemasonry in the Holme Valley area. By using this website, you are aware of and agree to the following.

Submitting of Information.

We do not pass any information submitted through this site to any third party/parties unless it is necessary for any enquiry that you have made to be brought to a satisfactory conclusion or for the purpose of monitoring the enquiries to ensure the form application/s is/are working and/or only credible enquiries reach us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details.


This site contains images that belong to the Holme Valley Masonic Lodge these are available to use if an acknowledgement is given. This site also uses images whose copyright belongs to a third party these images cannot be reproduced. Please contact us should you wish to use any images so that you can be sure you are not in any breach of copyright. Holme Valley Masonic Lodge cannot be held liable for any legal action taken against you by third parties for breach of copyright as a result of the reproduction of images without prior written consent.


All text is copyright of Holme Valley Masonic Lodge unless provided by a subscribed user to the blog. Third party text will be followed by an acknowledgement or will be fully referenced. Holme Valley Masonic Lodge cannot be held liable for any legal action taken against you by third parties for breach of copyright as a result of the reproduction of text without prior written agreement.


This site contains links to third party websites which we deem safe. We would not knowingly link or allow links to any third-party site that causes harm or shows inappropriate content. However, the web being such as it is, the responsibility for safe browsing of this site and links contained therein relies with the user.


This site uses cookies to record the IP address of the computer used for browsing this website. The use of cookies relating to this website is for enhancing the experience of the user especially if you have subscribed to one of our services or visit our site on a regular basis.

We also use cookies to provide statistical information. This includes such things that fall within how a visitor has come to visit the site and the way they interact with the website. This information is used for analysis to improve the content and performance of the website.

Cookies and IP information is also used to improve the security of the website and to block malicious attacks.

Some of the cookies used on this site relate to third party applications (see Below)

Turning off cookies in your browser is quite simple and can easily be researched on the web. The responsibility of safe browsing lies with you as the user and Holme Valley Masonic Lodge cannot be held liable for any the actions of any cookies to which you are not happy with.

Third Party Applications

This site uses Third Party Applications to provide a variety of functions to support the website and enhance user experience. These Third Party Applications may use cookies in order to perform their function. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for full details. We only use Third Party Applications that we have researched and have the highest of reputations and that we deem safe.

We would not knowingly use any application that has malicious intent however the responsibility of safe browsing lies with you as the user and as such you are expected to have the taken the appropriate steps to secure your device and software with the installation of appropriate security software. In the unlikely event of damage to software or devices as a result of any of the Third Party Applications that have been used in the production of this site Holme Valley Masonic Lodge cannot be held liable.