Raising Ceremony

Bro. Rory McGowan

On a very warm evening, on the 15th of June, Bro. Rory McGowan was raised to the 3rd Degree. The occasion was attended by about 40 freemasons including 16 visitors from 9 different lodges, four of them from the current Masters of the Year.

With an additional , well attended practice the previous evening, the event passed off without a hitch and the team received much praise on the evening.

As soon as the festive board was underway “Jackets off” was the order of the day and as always, Janine, Kathryn and their team produced an excellent meal. W. Bro. Ian Birks gave an entertaining toast to the visitors and W. Bro Garry Milnes responded on behalf of the visitors.

A raffle was held in aid of the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice and raised £153. The bottle of whiskey, which was the main prize, being won by Bro. Tony Colwill, a frequent visitor to the lodge.