HVL Ladies Night – March 2018

The most significant event in our social calendar, HVL Ladies’ Night, took place on Saturday 3rd March. The guest list included both masons and non-masons, and there were 95 attendees ensuring the evening was a huge success. On arrival guests were treated to a champagne reception followed by a 4 course meal.

The “Star” of the evening was Marge Craven, our Worshipful Master’s wife, who delighted  guests with her speech. The ladies were serenaded by Norman Mellor , followed by a rousing rendition of The  Holme Valley Anthem, “Pratty Flowers” ( an old English folksong), sung by Pat Whiteley, and were then entertained to an evening of 70’s songs by the Grooves Company.

Supper in the form of bacon rolls was served around mid-night before carriages took guests home at 1.00am